Tag Archives: fulfillment

A Culture of Learning and Curiosity

Over the past six years, I have been on an extended journey of learning and self-discovery. Throughout, I committed to following my interests and curiosities to better understand the following questions: who am I; why do I do what I do, and in many instances, why do WE do what we do; what is the […]

The Hopeful Cynic

The Hopeful Cynic “When you are cynical, you are never disappointed. It’s courageous to hope, because at some point, you will get your heart broken.” I recently heard Carrie Newcomer make this statement as she was being interviewed by Krista Tippett for an episode of the thought-provoking “onbeing” podcast series. Dear readers, these words have […]

There’s More to Intelligence than an IQ!

Part 2 of a Multi-Part Series Last week, we answered the paramount question: “Who am I as a leader?” We took time to distinguish between the Characteristics and Competencies of leadership, and touched on the connection to Multiple Intelligence Theory. In this post, we’ll define and explore the application of the Four Intelligences. At the […]

Mind Your Ps and Qs: Know Your Cs and CS

Part One of a Multi-Part Series Frank is a mid-level manager at a machining warehouse with three years of experience. He performs tasks enthusiastically and has received praise for his creative solutions for streamlining processes and procedures at his facility. Last week, one of Frank’s employees suddenly lost a close member of her family. Frank […]

Navigating Positional Thinkers

“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” Kenneth Blanchard In the past couple of weeks, I have found myself lending support to individuals seeking guidance on how to collaborate with a leader stuck in positional thinking. I am always appreciative to have the opportunity to support fellow leaders as they explore the […]

Leading Courageously

The Pulitzer-Prize winning book Profiles In Courage, written by John F. Kennedy, speaks of historic leaders whose legacies are noted in history by their great sacrifices as a result of their courage. Reading the story of Daniel Webster, the Senator, former Constitutional lawyer and three-time Presidential candidate, particularly struck me this week as I also […]

Actively Seeking Feedback

A familiar cynical saying resurfaced for me this week, “If a leader asks you for feedback, they either want validation or information, they rarely want feedback”. I find this pessimistic view to be troubling. Since hearing it, I’ve recommitted to making myself accessible and incorporating the pursuit of actively seeking feedback into my leadership values. […]

Protecting The Status Quo

Recently, a friend challenged me when he said, “no growth comes from the status quo”. Although this is an area of reflection quite familiar to me, that statement generated a strong internal response. It is so easy for us to find ourselves along with our families, friends, business partners, or industries all living right in […]